We each have scars, some emotional, some physical.
myscartissue is something of a social experiment, or perhaps a story-telling experiment. We're interested in your physical scars, and the stories behind them. But those stories aren't always restricted to the physical realm - oftentimes they encompass the emotional, and even the spiritual. And just as every person is unique, so are the scars we collect over a lifetime.
Anyone can contribute to this site. All we ask for is a photo of your scar, and its story. We want to know how you got that scar, and how it affected you. It might be a surgical scar, a traumatic scar, or a deliberate cultural scar. Your story might be funny, it might be moving, it might be tragic. But scars mean pain, and pain brings change. And the truth is that as social beings, humans are fascinated with change, especially in other people.
We hope this site will, in time, become a collection of short, eloquent explorations of personal history, pain and honest self-appraisal. From time to time we'd like to feature a contributor whose story is especially engaging.
The guidelines are simple:
1. Length: Your story should be less than 250 words. We don't just want to know how you got the scar, but how it affected you, and what it means to you now. Does it represent great change in your life? Is it emotionally painful to look at or touch, or does it remind you of something great? Short is often eloquent, but only if it's told with honesty.
2. Confidentiality: We will only publish your first name, or initials if you prefer, and where you hail from. If you would prefer complete anonymity, or would like us to blur out your face, we are happy to comply.
3. Obscene or ojectionable content: We don't want obscene pictures or stories, but nor are we frightened of being confronted, or confronting.
4. Consent: By submitting your picture and story, you give your implicit consent to myscartissue to use your sumbitted on this site, and in any future myscartissue events.
5. Editing: myscartissue reserves the right to refuse any submission deemed unsuitable for publication. If we agree to publish your picture but feel that the text needs editing for length or any other reason, we will discuss any proposed changes with you before the story goes onto the site.
Please note that the blogspot-based site is temporary. In time, we hope to move it over to a permanent site at www.myscartissue.com, but don't go there yet - there's even less content on that site than there is here. But in time, we're hopeful that this site will celebrate what it is to live within a physical body.
To submit, please read the above guidelines, then email one image of your scar (no bigger that 2MB) plus your story to: email(at)myscartissue(dot)com
We look forward to hearing your stories behind your own personal scar tissue.
The myscartissue team.
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